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Animated Sex Lana Lang Sexy Superman Animated Series

Animated Sex Lana Lang Sexy Superman Animated Series

Superman: The Animated Series character index
Main Characters (Superman) | Allies | World Antagonists (Lex Luthor) | Apokolips | Alien Antagonists

Alas, not everyone on the Man of Steel'southward adopted planet appreciates his presence - and quite a few would honey to run into him Deader Than Dead. Who are these mere mortals that would claiming him, be it through brains, gadgets, or serendipitous superpowers? Read on...

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    Lex Luthor

    Mercy Graves

Mercy Graves

Voiced in Latin America by: Lilo Schmid (Superman: The Blithe Series), Edilú Martínez, Marycel Gonzáles (Justice League, Unlimited)

Voiced in French past: Emmanuèle Bondeville (Superman: The Animated Serial)

  • Battle Butler: Lex Luthor's.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: Poor girl has to constantly be on the movement with a boss like Lex Luthor barking orders every two minutes.
  • Bodyguard Babes: A beautiful bodyguard who wears a chauffeur uniform with very tight pants.
  • Bodyguard Crush: Totally one-sided on her part much to her chagrin.
  • Catechism Immigrant: She follows from Harley Quinn's atomic number 82. She proved popular enough that she would afterwards appear in the comics and in other blithe series like The Batman (with some slight changes) and Immature Justice , and heavily inspired the character of Tess Mercer from Smallville .
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Strongly implied due to her Bodyguard Crush every bit she'south shown to exist highly resentful of women getting close to Lex. Best seen in "My Daughter" where Luthor became unusually taken with Lana Lang so Mercy decided to secretly follow her and discovered her passing information on Lex'south activities to Superman, proudly reporting dorsum to Lex and existence happy about Lana being killed for her expose.
  • Chickification: She unfortunately suffers this in Justice League, having retired from action and growing her hair out. Ironically she starts off her start appearance by being more than confident, successful, and willing to stand up to Luthor than ever before, just Luthor and so threatens her and she reluctantly agrees to assistance him. She may end the episode hanging upwards on him, but come Unlimited, Luthor is one time again the head of Lex corp and Mercy is correct by his side.
  • The Comically Serious: Though she can be pretty snarky on occasions.
  • Dark Activity Girl: She's proficient behind the cycle or in a fight, and she understands entirely when Lex speculates that information technology'd exist a Shame If Something Happened...
  • The Dog Bites Back: Subverted get-go, as we're set up to think she'll plough on Lex for abandoning her to accept the autumn on ane of his criminal deeds, but information technology turns out his hold on her is too potent. Simply she finally gets to practice it for real in Justice League when he uses his prison call on her and she immediately hangs up. And so she goes right back to him two seasons later on when he'south "reformed" and running for President.
  • The Dragon: To Lex Luthor.
  • Expy: In Justice League, afterward growing out her hair and undergoing Chickification, she becomes this to Eve Teschmacher.
  • Foil: To Harley Quinn in "World's Finest". Where Harley is flamboyant and hyperactive, Mercy is restrained and precise. They don't get forth.
  • Friends with Benefits: While in that location's no real romantic feelings between the 2, it'south heavily implied (especially in Justice League) that the two accept more than than a professional relationship going on. Their entire human relationship oozes with emotionally oppressive relationship subtext, and Lex all but spells out in "Tabusa Rasa" that they've been intimate on a regular footing.
  • Girl Friday: A bit of a Badass Normal with many skills and few scruples. She is very useful to Lex.
  • Subconscious Depths: When Lex is exposed equally a criminal, he names Mercy the new head of LexCorp. She turns out to be a much meliorate businessperson than Lex. Every bit it and so happens, cut out Luthor'southward obsessive supervillain side-projects and selling off Luthor'southward anti-Superman resources has fabricated LexCorp more profitable than ever. Luthor is rather nonplussed when he finds out.
  • Honest Corporate Executive: In Justice League, when Lex was in prison house, she took over his position to go along his company running, seemingly without have to commit whatever crimes unlike Lex when he was in accuse to keep LexCorp financially afloat.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: She is way more level-headed than her dominate, and seems to be able to continue upwardly with her boss' commands. Of form, we see that when she became caput of LexCorp, she was much more than successful than Luthor ever was, especially due to non existence obsessed with defeating Superman, and but less focused on supervillainy in general.
  • Kicking Chick: Almost exclusively uses high kicks, except for her gun. She also wears a brusque mini-dress which well-nigh always gives the viewer a great view of her legs even when she isn't fighting. No Panty Shots, though.
  • Magic Brim: She is always running effectually doing loftier kicks, beingness beaten upward and sent flying past people, all in an outfit that looks more similar a tight top than a full chauffeur's uniform.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Fifty-fifty moreso in Justice League, to the point where the android Amazo (while channeling Flash) hits on her.
  • Ninja Maid: For Lex.
  • Recruited from the Gutter: In "Ghost in the Machine", she explains to Superman that Luthor took her in off the streets, explaining her loyalty to him. Unfortunately, Luthor doesn't return the sentiments and abandons her when the room collapses, prompting her to turn on him in Justice League.
  • Servile Snarker: Not at start, simply she does develop into a snarker. She's the one person to whom it'due south safe to deliver his Equally You Know speeches and the merely one who will ask, sincerely, "Why Don't You Simply Shoot Him?"
  • She-Fu: She doesn't hesitate to show off what she'south got when she fights.
  • She'southward Got Legs: She wears a ridiculously brusk clothes (or a tight shirt with tight pants) that shows off her long toned yet shapely legs.
  • Statuesque Stunner: She's quite alpine and attractive.
  • Street Urchin: According to Mercy, she was i of these until Luthor came along took her in, cleaned her up, and fabricated her his right-hand girl, explaining her hopeless Undying Loyalty to him.
  • Villain Disuse: In her appearances in Justice League, she has undergone Chickification at the cost of the Babysitter Babes and Nighttime Action Daughter aspect.


Metallo (John Corben)

Voiced by: Malcolm McDowell (Superman: The Animated Series, Justice League Unlimited), Corey Burton (Justice League)

Voiced in Latin America past: Rafael Monsalve, Renzo Jiménez, Rubén León (Superman: The Animated Serial), Ezequiel Serrano, Roberto Colmenarez (Justice League, Unlimited)

Voiced in French by: Jean-Louis Faure (Superman: The Animated Series, 1st phonation), Bruno Dubernat (Superman: The Animated Serial, 2nd voice), Vincent Violette (Superman: The Blithe Series, replacement vox), Éric Chevalier (Justice League), Magid Bouali (Justice League Unlimited)

John Corben was a mercenary hired by LexCorp to steal an experimental Mini-Mecha and deliver it to Lex's (illegal) buyers. Superman's debut in City was crushing the robot and hauling Corben off to prison. While in jail, Corben contracted a fatal disease. Lex Luthor, thankful for Corben refusing to testify against him, offered a solution: upload Corbin's mind into an immortal robot trunk, powered by a Kryptonite core. Corben enjoyed the limitless forcefulness and durability, but the lack of touch, scent and sense of taste drove him insane. Especially once he plant out that the fatal disease he contracted was deliberately applied to him past Luthor. Withal, he is a dedicated enemy of Superman. He later joins the Legion of Doom in Justice League Unlimited.

  • Adaptational Job Change: In the comics at the time, he was a small-scale-time conman before becoming Metallo; while pre-Crunch, he was a journalist (and secretly a thief and a murderer). Here, he was a mercenary-for-hire.
  • Adaptational Nationality: In the comics, he's American. Here, he'due south English language.
  • And I Must Scream: His fate at the cease of both his start advent every bit Metallo ("The Style Of All Mankind") and and then his second one in "Activeness Figures."
    • The first time, he ends up sinking to the bottom of the bounding main, leaving him stranded and forced to wander aimlessly until he managed to striking land past sheer adventure. He was down there for a year, and the strain of it caused him to lose his mind.
    • The 2d fourth dimension, he ends up Buried Alive beneath tons of solidified magma. He discusses it when he returns in "Heavy Metal."

      Metallo: Remember how you left me, Superman? Buried in rock?! I couldn't move. I couldn't encounter. I couldn't hear. Simply I could think, and all I thought about was how I was going to make you pay!

  • Assail Its Weak Point: Disabling his Kryptonite cadre is commonly the only mode to stop him.
  • Blessed with Suck: He gets an immortal, super-strong body powered by Superman'southward biggest the toll of losing all tactile sensation.
  • Barbie Doll Beefcake: The false flesh on top of his metallic skeleton lacks nipples.
  • Brain Uploading: Later Lex poisoned him, his brain was put into a robotic shell.
  • Cyborg: In "The Fashion of All Flesh", Corben becomes Metallo; his original organic brain sealed inside a completely bogus body of virtually indestructible metal.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Revels in gaining an indestructible cybernetic body that saves him from a deadly virus and renders him immune to hurting, but finds out the difficult fashion that it as well depletes all his pleasurable senses, and that the transplant is irreversible.
  • Easy Amnesia: In "Action Figures", Metallo'due south time on the bottom of the ocean wiped his memories clean. He briefly becomes a hero to some local children...until he remembers Superman.
  • Evil Brit: He's played by Malcolm McDowell.
  • Faux Reassurance:
    • When he mentioned that he couldn't feel anything, the doctors said in that location would exist "adjustments" to be made. He assumed they meant that his new body needed some fine-tuning; what they actually meant was that he'd take to get used to his new condition.
    • When he goes to confront Luthor, he tries to explain that, in fourth dimension, he would be able give Metallo his senses back (or transplant Corben'south brain onto another organic body). Metallo is not fooled this time.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's ofttimes friendly and grinning, only he is usually assuming the pleasant persona to mock and insult his foes.
  • The Hedonist: Before his transformation into Metallo, he was shown to be a reckless and thorough hedonist who enjoyed life's pleasures from good food to women. It'due south how Luthor managed to give him an incurable affliction past poisoning his nutrient and what instantly collection him insane by beingness trapped in a sensory-deprived body.
  • Kick the Son of a Bitch: His transformation into Metallo is entirely the result of Luthor ruining his life so as to dispense him for his own ends, and his pain as he realizes how much becoming Metallo has cost him is genuine...but he'due south also a remorseless sociopathic mercenary who has injure a lot of people, then the audience'due south sympathy for him is express.
  • Motive Decay: Zig-Zagged. Initially, it seems to be played direct; after "The Way Of All Flesh", he seems merely interested in defeating Superman and non in avenging himself on Luthor. However, Refrigerator Brilliance clarifies that there's three easy reasons why he'due south after the Man of Steel:
    • The kickoff is that Corben has his own grudge against Superman. The Man of Steel interfered with his attempts to avenge himself on Luthor, which would have been bad enough, merely the terminate result of that trivial encounter was that Corben spent a year wandering blindly forth the bottom of the sea. Not a calendar week after that, a fight with Superman left him buried live under tons of rock for weeks, peradventure months, until Intergang dug him out. No wonder he's pissed off!
      • I could as well make the argument that Corben would never have been infected by Luthor in the first place if Superman hadn't been effectually. Not a very sane argument, but, subsequently what Corben'south been through, it's very doubtful that he's stable.
    • The 2d reason is that Corben needs to kill Superman before he tin get revenge on Luthor. Superman is far more of a threat to Metallo than Luthor is — Corben can just smash his fashion into Luthor's office and rip Luthor's caput from his shoulders whenever he wants, simply to practise that, first he'south got to stop the Big Blue Boyscout from interfering with his unlawful vengeance.
    • Finally, the reason why Corben would focus on Superman over Luthor is that Superman is the person responsible for some of the worst of his pain and offers him nix in render, whilst Luthor (who is a very charismatic and persuasive sort of private) can make the argument that he can discover a fashion to reverse the transfer or at least upgrade his body with tactile input.
  • Naked Nutter: Equally John Corben goes mad from the Sense Loss Sadness of his Metallo body, he starts ripping off his wearing apparel...along with his homo-looking skin.
  • Near-Invulnerability: His robotic trunk makes him difficult to kill.
  • Robotic Psychopath: He's a skilled mercenary upgraded to a cybernetic body, a procedure that made him even deadlier, but drove him insane.
  • Sense Loss Sadness: The disability to taste, olfactory property or feel annihilation drives him to the border in less than a mean solar day.
  • Serial Continuity Error: What'due south left of his clothes and skin at the end of "The Way of All Flesh" is completely destroyed by the offset of "Action Figures," leaving him with his fully robotic apppearance from the comics, just for his remaining appearances throughout the DCAU, he'southward somehow reverted back to his "Way of All Flesh" advent pictured above.
  • Smug Snake: He tends to be very cavalier to everyone.
  • Starter Villain: Despite that he didn't become Metallo much later, Corben and his gang were notwithstanding the outset criminals that Superman had to contend with in the series' premiere. As Metallo, he made four appearances in the series before Superman formed the Justice League, though Lex Luthor and Darkseid are not only more recurring, merely trump him in danger.
  • Super Strength: His robot body makes him far stronger than a normal human being existence.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He was deliberately infected with the lethal virus by Lex Luthor so he would require the cybernetic transplant, effectively becoming his "saviour's" own guinea hog.
  • Villainous Vanquish: Despite his vendetta, he clearly had an attraction to Lois Lane. His first instinct upon seeing her again was to kiss her. Unfortunately, he'south unable to have whatsoever enjoyment when he realizes he can't even feel her lips.

    Bruno Mannheim

Bruno Mannheim

Voiced in Latin America by: Roberto Colmenárez

Voiced in French by: Mario Santini (1st vocalisation), Christian Pélissier (2nd voice)

Mannheim leads Metropolis's branch of Intergang, a major criminal syndicate. He soon gets weaponry from Apokolips, allowing him to deal with Superman and the local police force. Eventually, Superman and the law squad up, and Mannheim is forced to abscond to Apokolips, where he meets his new boss, Darkseid. Instead of killing him outright, Darkseid sends him back to Metropolis so he can overtake the nuclear power plant. He then sets the reactor to overload, and Darkseid leaves him to die as the reactor goes critical.

  • Adaptational Squeamish Guy: A very downplayed example. This version of Mannheim is even so an unsympathetic, unrepentant cheat who willingly collaborates with Darkseid, only he isn't the cannibalistic cult-leading psychopath he was in the comic.
  • Adaptational Wimp: His comic volume counterpart is Darkseid's chosen apostle on Earth and much more threatening. This version of the character is only a regular mob dominate who Darkseid manipulates in his plan to invade Earth and gets nonchalantly sacrificed one time he is of no more use.
  • Asshole Victim: For starters, he'southward indirectly responsible for Winslow Schott, Jr. becoming Toyman because he framed his begetter and had him die in prison. He more than deserved beingness left to die by Darkseid.
  • The Chew Toy: And completely deserving it.
  • Les Collaborateurs: He helps Darkseid in his plan to conquer Earth.
  • Disc-One Concluding Boss: He appears to be the master threat at the cease of the series, but it turns out that he's really working for Darkseid.
  • Jerkass: He's the caput of a criminal syndicate who ruined a homo'southward life by framing his father. What did you wait?
  • Karmic Death: He helps Darkseid with his invasion schemes and is left to die for all his troubles, simply like Toyman's father.
  • Killed Off for Real: Darkseid lets him dice in a nuclear explosion.
  • Lensman Arms Race: Cops? No trouble. Superman? Apokolips weaponry. Superman + Cops? Flee and call in the Parademons!
  • Relieve the Villain: In his first appearance, he had to be saved from the Toyman.
  • Smug Snake: He's a very arrogant bastard, that's for sure.
  • The Syndicate: Leads one.
  • Too Impaired to Live: Working for Darkseid, aye, that can't become wrong! It gets him killed when Darkseid abandons him to die in a nuclear explosion.
  • Villain with Skillful Publicity: He's rehearsing a speech for the yard opening of a park he built for the metropolis in his debut episode.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Darkseid leaves him to dice later on he serves his purpose.


Toyman (Winslow Schott, Jr.)

Voiced by: Bud Cort (Superman: The Animated Series, Static Shock , Justice League Unlimited), Corey Burton (Justice League)

Voiced in Latin America past: Eduardo Rodríguez (Superman: The Blithe Serial), Óscar Flores (Static Shock)

Winslow Schott wanted cypher more in life than to make toys. Unfortunately, he had fiddling money, and could only accomplish his dream by taking a loan from gangster Bruno Mannheim. The toy company shortly became a front for Intergang activities. When the police busted the operation, Mannheim let Winslow take the autumn, and the kindly toymaker spent the remainder of his life in prison. Now Schott's son seeks revenge, adopting the identity of Toyman and using a variety of deadly toy-themed weapons and death traps against the gangster and his mooks. Naturally, this attracts Superman'south attention. He later joins the Legion of Doom in Justice League Unlimited.

  • Achievements in Ignorance: In the Justice League episode "Future", Vandal Savage comments that Toyman had unknowingly created a time car that sent Superman thirty,000 years into the futurity as opposed to a death ray he idea he had.
  • Affably Evil: He can be quite genial, particularly to Lois, though in a very creepy way.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: He sics a giant rubber duck on Mannheim in "Fun and Games", a very big Rock-'Em-Sock-'Em Robot/ wind up kangaroo hybrid on Superman in "Obsession," and a massive toy-like robot on the League in "Hereafter".
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Toyman'southward gimmick is a joke, but his toys make him an exceptionally unsafe villain.
  • Absurd Mask: Wears an always-grinning mask that he never removes.
  • Creepy Monotone: He speaks in a cold and emotionless tone of voice.
  • Crazy-Prepared: In the Static Shock crossover "Toys in the Hood," fifty-fifty though he had genuinely fallen in love with Darci enough to effort and give her a new identity, he was always aware of expose, then he put in a fail-safe that would destroy her.
  • Crouching Moron, Subconscious Badass: As goofy equally he looks, he manages to create a time machine by blow, destroy Killer Frost in a fight via a yo-yo, successfully navigates the Hall of Doom through the universe and create a nerf gun that causes parademons to explode.
  • Death by Irony: Presumably the original reason for Schott's gimmick- he uses toy-themed weapons to attempt to kill the human who ruined his father'southward toy business and sent him to prison.
  • Demonic Dummy: The staff of the show said his design was based off of a ventriloquist dummy that used to be sold in magazines back in the day.
  • The Dragon: Is basically Luthor'southward right hand man during "Alive!"
  • Expressive Mask: Completely (and very creepily) averted.
  • The Faceless: Orphaned afterwards his male parent dies in prison, Toyman becomes a toy-crazed supervillain, hiding his confront behind a Howdy Doody-like mask. Schott is never seen without the mask, although it's frequently cracked and broken in his battles with Superman, and his swain villains.
  • Freudian Alibi: Come across Parental Abandonment, below.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: He invents toy-like weapons.
  • Happy Fun Ball: His specialty.
  • Killer Yo-Yo: He knocks out Killer Frost in a Unmarried-Stroke Boxing in the penultimate episode of Justice League Unlimited . Using a yo-yo.
  • Kicking the Son of a Bitch: In his offset appearance, his entire motivations resolve effectually trying to kill Bruno Mannheim as revenge for what he did to his father. Superman still ends upwardly saving Mannheim, but it's hard to experience sorry for all the things Toyman makes the guy go through.
  • Malevolent Masked Men: He wears a creepy doll-like mask and is besides an insane criminal.
  • Motive Decay: In his first appearance, he was seeking vengeance confronting Bruno Mannheim, the man responsible for ruining his male parent's life. After that, Toyman never makes another endeavour to kill Mannheim again and focuses all his futurity efforts on either creating lifelike female androids to be his companion or only trying to kill Superman. Makes sense, since by the time of Toyman's 2d advent, Darkseid has already killed Mannheim, depriving him of his gamble for revenge.
  • Nerf Arm: Toyman's weapons include suction-cup darts (that explode) and nerf bullets (that brand the target explode after billowy off).
  • No One Could Survive That!: Happens at the finish of both of his Superman: TAS appearances.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: He'due south a Manchild in a clown mask directly out of the '40s, with a theme based on children's toys. He'southward as well i of the virtually terrifying villains in Superman's Rogues Gallery, a roboticist on par with Lex Luthor, and one of the few villains to legitimately defeat Superman (and apparently kill him).
  • Offscreen Villain Night Matter: His father died penniless and he'due south never shown committing crimes for money, but he apparently has endless resources to pay for his tanks, helicopters, giant safety ducks, and incredibly avant-garde robots. Oh, and in his Static Shock appearance, he somehow got his hands of enough Kryptonite to build an unabridged army of robot minions made of it.
  • Oh, Crap!: He has this reaction in "Hereafter" after he "killed" Superman and a distraught Wonder Woman tore his machine apart in response and literally told him that she was going to kill him for what he had just done. Thankfully for him, the Flash saved his life telling Wonder Woman Superman wouldn't want her to practice such a thing.
  • The Only Ane Allowed to Defeat Yous: It'south implied on a personal level for him with his and his fellow Legion of Doom accomplices' Enemy Mine with the Justice League against the revived Darkseid's invasion of earth in the Grand Finale of Justice League was because Darkseid had killed his original Curvation-Enemy Bruno Mannheim, therefore taking away the original reason he became Toyman in the first place as he was trying to avenge himself and his father for what Mannheim did to them. Then, he'south probably more than happy to sic his nerf gun on his parademons stealing his initial goal from him.
  • Parental Abandonment: His dad (framed by the mob) died in prison, leaving him to exist switched from one foster home to another.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Goes directly Up to Eleven.
  • Slasher Grinning: Painted onto his mask.
  • Stalker with a Beat out: In "Obsession."
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Expressed for him past Lois.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Killer Frost does this to him in "Alive!". Toyman is able to take her down using a weaponized yo-yo.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Even if he is a unsafe criminal, it's hard not to experience sorry for the fact that he became this way because his father was screwed over by Mannheim and died in prison while he was shipped off to several neglectful foster homes.


Luminus (Edward Lytener)

Voiced in Latin America by: Eduardo Rodríguez (Superman: The Animated Series)

Voiced in French by: Vincent Ropion (Superman: The Animated Series), Mathias Casartelli (Justice League)

Edward was an engineer at LexCorp who specialized in light and light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation manipulation. He was a mole for Lois in one of her stories, and while Lois' work won her a journalism award, he was fired. In revenge, he tried to murder Lois, and and so Superman got involved. Lytener took upward the persona of Luminus and decided to get his revenge on Superman. That failed, also. Luminus is last seen fighting the Justice League after a jail break.


Livewire (Leslie Willis)

Voiced in Latin America past: Elena Prieto (Superman: The Animated Series), Úrsula Cobucci (Justice League, Unlimited)

Voiced in French by: Magali Barney (Superman: The Blithe Series), Virginie Ogouz (The New Batman Adventures), Caroline Maillard (Justice League)

A Metropolis radio personality who built her career past bashing Superman on the airwaves. She finds herself all of a sudden possessing electrical superpowers after both she and Supes are struck by the aforementioned lightning bolt during a thunderstorm. Blaming him for her condition, she shortly adopts the persona of "Livewire" and takes her Superman-bashing to a new, unsafe and shocking level. She later fights Batgirl and Supergirl in a crossover episode of The New Batman Adventures and joins Grodd's Secret Society in Justice League Unlimited.

  • Absolute Cleavage: She has a large lightning bolt-shaped slit that goes downwards to her belly button, although no cleavage is actually drawn.
  • Adaptation Dye-Chore: In the tie-in comics, she temporarily loses her powers. While human once more, she'south a blonde rather than the brunette she was in the prove.
  • Adaptational Heroism: In both the tie-in comics and the mainstream comics, she eventually becomes an ally, a stark contrast to her original animated incarnation who only did things For the Evulz.
  • Attention Whore: A decent part of her characterization, peculiarly in her first appearance. It'south especially obvious earlier her transformation. In the necktie-ins, realizing this is her kickoff step towards a Heel–Face Plow: she tries to call Superman out for a large, flashy showdown in the middle of an alien invasion, merely instead of fear from the populace she only gets badgerer that she'southward trying to catch the spotlight when in that location's far more important events taking place, causing her to realize how ridiculous her usual schtick is.
  • Badass Avowal: "You can't stop me anymore than you tin can stop pelting...wind...or LIGHTNING!"
  • Canon Immigrant: She originated in Superman: The Animated Series and was subsequently added to the original comics.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Comes with her task every bit a Shock Jock.
  • Dumbass DJ: Before gaining her powers, she was a popular DJ who spent all her time insulting Superman in gild to heave her ratings.
  • Elemental Baggage: She works like a battery; she must absorb the charge from other electricity sources to apply her powers, and when that charge runs out, she's normal.
  • Grade-Fitting Wardrobe: Livewire's outfit is created past ionizing the air around her, and she herself describes it as "grade-fitting."
  • Goth: Dressed like i as a man.
  • Heel–Face Plough: In the tie-in comics to the show, at least. After making the jump to the primary DC Universe, she eventually turns skillful there as well.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Twice in the comics:
    • The first time is to stop Brainiac from releasing all the globe's nuclear weapons: she ends up using all her power and the effort leaves her pretty much brain dead, and Star Labs can only barely manage to go on her alive.
    • The second time is afterwards Luthor uses Apokolips tech to revive her in order to sell her to Apokolips, Superman intervenes but ends up getting himself and Leslie sent to Apokolips itself where they detect out Darkseid plans to use Livewire to ability a doomsday weapon. Leslie and Superman manage to foil the plan and Leslie, fully powered by the planet itself, starts to wreak havoc, just realizing that she will get nuclear soon tells Superman to run. Being Supes he refuses and races Leslie back to earth where he flies her to a clearing to explode. Luckily for her information technology doesn't hurt her, but it kills Superman. Leslie uses the last of her power to restart his heart, which reverts her back to normal. Later on she gets struck past lightning again and returns to being Livewire, but now as a hero.
  • Hypocrite: She trashes Superman for supposedly "just thinking of himself" fifty-fifty though the second she gets her powers she does her best to use them for her ain benefit while screwing over everyone else.
  • Jerkass: As a shock jock, it'south sort of her thing. How much was an act and how much was her personality is unclear, just she seemed to believe what she was spouting.
  • The Lad-ette: While she'southward a adult female, she doesn't act very feminine.
  • Leitmotif: An electric guitar tune.
  • Lightning Tin can Practise Anything: Passing through Superman first plain means it can create metahumans. Applying the trope to Livewire specifically, she'southward able to do nonsensical things similar dive into Idiot box screens and then appear on them.
  • Logical Weakness: Livewire and h2o do not mix. Her stored electricity will short circuit and at to the lowest degree partially dissipate if she gets moisture.
  • Motor Oral fissure: She often makes multiple snarky comments while on-screen.
  • Never My Fault: Her transformation was due to her stupidity of hosting a concert in the centre of a storm. Superman tried to get her to cancel it as she was both putting herself and the audience in danger; she wouldn't listen and got hit past lightning. She then blamed Superman for the mess, mostly from seeing on TV a reporter interviewing Superman accusing that he deliberately didn't push Leslie out of the way when the lightning struck.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Between her being a Dumbass DJ, having black hair pre-transformation, and referring to herself equally the "queen of all media", she was basically a gender-flipped counterpart to Howard Stern.
  • One-Liner: Loves these. Makes sense given her past as a Daze Jock.
  • Psycho Electro: She has electrical powers and isn't very sane.
  • Pure Energy: Livewire describes herself as such and, though it makes for a very interesting character, information technology does non brand any more than scientific sense than every other "energy beingness" out there. And, oddly plenty, she obviously still has a skeleton.
  • Daze and Awe: Gains electrical powers later on being struck by lightning.
  • Shock Jock: Before getting her powers. Afterwards, she drops the "jock" part.
  • Harbinger Feminist: At times.
  • That Man Is Dead: "Meet [Leslie Willis's] replacement!"
  • Vapor Wear: Encounter Absolute Cleavage.
  • Verbal Tic: She tends to tack the give-and-take, "babies", onto the cease of near every other sentence when talking to other people.


Parasite (Rudy Jones)

Voiced in Latin America by: Alí Rondón (Superman: The Animated Series)

Voiced in French past: Bruno Choël (Superman: The Animated Series), Olivier Cordina (Justice League), Michel Barbey (Justice League Unlimited)

In one case an employee of South.T.A.R. Labs, Rudy was exposed to an experimental chemical compound that spilled on him when he tried to steal information technology. Now, as The Parasite, he possesses the power to absorb the energy, memories and physical abilities from anyone he touches, including Superman. He later on joins the Legion of Doom.

  • Achilles' Heel: He gains the weaknesses of those whose powers he copies, usually with greater effect than the originals.
  • Affably Evil: Very affable, though in this case information technology only serves to make him more creepy.
  • Boxing in the Center of the Mind: He has this in "Two'south a Crowd".
  • Bowwow in Sheep'due south Habiliment: Superman get-go approached him by treating him with sympathy for his accident and offering help. Parasite played along to trick him into physical contact so he could blot his powers.
  • Composite Character: Of himself, betwixt the Rudy Jones and Maxwell Jensen Parasites. He has the name and origin of the former and the powers of the latter.
  • Decomposite Graphic symbol: Give-and-take of God confirmed the Batman Across -era Parasite in the JLU episode "Epilogue", based on how Ed McGuinness drew Jones note Which was basically to have the monstrous Parasite form Jones had in the mid-to-late 1990s and slap the DCAU costume on him, is a Legacy Character.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Afterwards becoming fully acclimated to his new form, the outset thing he did was track down his former partner Marty to pay him back for by abuses and for leaving him to die.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: He is arguably the well-nigh prominent character to get this anti-climactic death.
  • Drunk with Power: Every bit a defining graphic symbol trait. His main motivation is that his whole life people have been pushing him around and looking downwardly on him, and at present he wants as much power every bit he tin for as long every bit he can...and enjoys using it to lord over others. That said, on a good day, he can exist a relatively well-adjusted guy considering information technology all. He seems pretty satisfied with getting cable Television receiver in his prison jail cell once he'southward captured.
  • Eviler Than Thou: He's on both sides of this in 2 episodes of Superman: TAS. In "Two's A Crowd", he'south less evil than Earl Garver, initially trying to encourage him to be a good prisoner and comply, which will make his life easier. Information technology'due south only afterward being duped by Garver that he goes rogue, and that lasts only until he realizes Garver is using him equally an expendable dupe. And then, in "Double Dose", he pulls this on Livewire, playing forth as her partner only until they have Superman incapacitated, then preventing her from killing him and so he tin can leech the life from the both of them.
  • Evil Is Petty: In "Ii's A Crowd", he demands payment to use his powers to read the listen of Mad Bomber Earl Garver. His payment? That he gets a big-screen television with cable TV hookup installed in his prison cell.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: He went from a janitor to mortiferous supervillain.
  • It'due south Personal: He was somewhat playful with Superman in his initial appearances, but then he got fried subsequently absorbing Livewire's powers and was left practically asleep. When he returned in Justice League, Grodd noted that he at present openly hated the Man of Steel.
  • Killed Off for Real: He's frozen and so blown upwards along with Grodd's other followers in "Alive!"
  • Power Parasite: He can blot the powers of whatever metahuman he drains.
  • Secret Identity Apathy: Parasite finds out that Superman is Clark when he absorbs his powers during his commencement appearance, simply other than using this to ambush him at home and take him prisoner so he can be a permanent "meal", he shows zero interest in it. A throwaway line from his start appearance suggests that he lost all of his memories — therefore including who Clark is — only next time nosotros meet him he shows no sign of this (and he gets him several times in later episodes anyway), so presumably Parasite spends the entire DCAU knowing that Clark Kent is Superman and simply not caring (or mayhap non thinking) to share that information with anyone.
  • Split-Personality Takeover: In "Two's a Oversupply," Earl Garver takes command of Parasite later on Parasite tries to blot Garver's memories. Eventually, the two of them duke information technology out for control of the torso.
  • Trapped past Gambling Debts: The reason he tried to steal a chemical compound in the first place.
  • Who'due south Laughing Now?: He goes from hardluck janitor to one of Superman'southward nigh unsafe enemies.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: When Rudy Jones was first introduced, his characterization was desperation instead of malevolence, and he stopped his partner when he tried to actually hurt people. However, subsequently he became Parasite, he became obsessed with draining everyone he could get his easily on and taking revenge on a world that hurt him.


Volcana (Claire Selton)

Voiced in Latin America by: Livia Méndez

  • Anti-Villain: In her debut episode, the simply reason she turned to crime was to collect enough coin to leave the U.s.a. and escape the government agents trying to take her back equally a living weapon. She is depicted as a conventional villain when Supergirl confronts her merely a few episodes subsequently.
  • Blank Your Midriff: Her new outfit in Justice League.
  • Catechism Foreigner: She is an original character created for the series.
  • Cleavage Window: As part of her Justice League outfit.
  • Costume Evolution: During S: TAS, she wore a cocktail dress and jacket, but during JL, she sports a tank elevation and pants.
  • Dark Action Girl: She'due south willing to fight and is also a villain.
  • Dating Catwoman: She was flirting heavily with Superman at the terminate of her debut episode and he never stopped her. In fact, he looked similar he was having fun while she did it.
  • Deadpan Snarker: At 1 point, when Superman catches her, she remarks "You lot're going to make me earn this, aren't yous?"
  • Distracted past the Sexy: She gains entry to a private party and draws the eye of on-duty photographer Jimmy Olsen, through raw sex entreatment.
  • Fiery Redhead: Has long ruby pilus, with a temper and literal fire powers to match.
  • Flying Firepower: She has pyrokinesis and some flight (possibly a grade of telekinesis).
  • Friendly Enemy: At the cease of her debut episode she and Superman and shown to be on incredibly good terms, showing that they're friends now. They were playfully flirting and trading barbs. Volcana fifty-fifty blows a fiery kiss towards Superman and he smiles at it.
  • Motive Decay: In her showtime appearance, she's an Anti-Villain who Superman forms a quasi-partnership with. Subsequently, she's just a random baddie.
  • Playing with Fire: She can create streams and fifty-fifty crude shapes of fire (bold there'due south air to fuel the combustion).
  • Rapunzel Hair: Her hair falls past her knees.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: In Justice League, she shows a willingness to kill using her powers, making her more sinister than before.
  • Ungrateful Bitch: While her attitude and thoughts on Superman by the time of Justice League aren't directly addressed, she can still be seen as this by sheer (un) virtue of joining a bunch of Superman'south rogues to go on a criminal offence spree in commemoration of Superman'south supposed death...which is a really funny way of showing appreciation towards the guy who once helped her out.

    Corey Mills

Sergeant Corey Mills

Voiced in Latin America by: Eduardo Rodríguez

Voiced in French by: Patrick Osmond

    Detective Kurt Bowman

Detective Kurt Bowman

A corrupt detective who despises reporters because Lois cost him a promotion with an article on police abuse. Bowman as well murdered a woman, and pinned information technology on a small time burglar. And Bowman is perfectly willing to kill and so he isn't defenseless.

  • Decease past Secret Identity: After his crimes are revealed, he's before long sentenced to death. Right earlier the lever is pulled for the gas bedroom he's in, he wonders how the heck Clark had survived the bomb he implanted into his motorcar and quickly came to the realization he was Superman.
  • Dirty Cop: Detective in his case, merely he's known for taking bribes and ignoring protocol. He's also not above murder either.
  • Jerkass: He's a spiteful, petty Dirty Cop who it turns out is quite willing to resort to murder.
  • Killed Off for Real: He is executed by gas chamber, the same way the human being he framed would have died .
  • Not Me This Fourth dimension: Inverted. In his debut episode, Target, he is innocent of trying to impale Lois, and it'south never suggested he did anything worse than take bribes. The Late Mr. Kent shows that he had killed someone offscreen, and he tries to impale Clark Kent when Kent tries to exonerate the human being he blamed for it.
  • Spanner in the Works: Would have gotten away with his crimes if he hadn't happened to target the one reporter in the city who was Nigh-Invulnerable.
  • Villain of Another Story: He debuts in "Target," but merely as a Red Herring and doesn't become the Villain of the Calendar week until "The Late Mr. Kent."

    Earl Garver

Earl Garver

A deranged scientist who created a radioactive bomb, and threatened to utilize it on City if his ransom demands weren't met. Garver was left in a coma during a raid on his heavily fortified house, and Parasite was brought in to read Garver's mind. It went very incorrect.

  • Grand Theft Me: Pulled this on Parasite.
  • Ink-Conform Actor: He bares a resemblance to his actor Brian Cox in the office of Hannibal Lector in Manhunter .
  • Mad Scientist:

    Professor Hamilton: Earl, please, mind to reason!
    Garver: I am listening to reason. My reason.

    Full general Hardcastle

Full general Hardcastle

A U.S. Army general with a hatred for Superman.

  • Asshole Victim: Given what he'southward done to Superman and Supergirl out of unjustified paranoia, yous won't feel a shred of sympathy once he loses his rank and gets killed by Galatea.
  • General Ripper: He tries to impale Superman even before the events of "Legacy" out of spite and paranoia.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: Hardcastle was scapegoated for Superman and Supergirl escaping custody in "Legacy", and past the time of Unlimited he became a shell of his erstwhile cocky. Not that he didn't deserve it, heed y'all.
  • Improperly Paranoid: For all that CADMUS may be right about the possibility of evil superhumans and the U.S. government lacking the firepower to fight them, Hardcastle from commencement to end is into killing Superman for no damned skillful reason at all.
  • Killed Off for Real: Galatea murders him for giving too much information on Cadmus to the Justice League.
  • Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome: Afterward beingness absent ever since "Legacy", he turns upwardly once more early on in the first season of Unlimited during the beginning of the Cadmus arc just long enough to exist killed by Galatea.
  • Visual Development: He's conspicuously aged the adjacent time he's seen in Unlimited in contrast to his appearance in Superman: The Animated Series and how other about reoccurring characters mostly retain their original appearances in the DCAU.

    Amanuensis Kurt

Amanuensis Kurt

A government agent who was the caput of the project that captured Volcana and attempted to turn her into an assassinator. He and his men went rogue after she escaped and tracked her down, intending to sell her to the highest bidder.

  • Corrupted Character Copy: Of Nick Fury - eyepatch-wearing, take-no-prisoners leader of a secret government taskforce. Actually hammered in by his closest subordinates being obviously based off Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones, and Jasper Sitwell.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Wouldn't be an expy of Nick Fury without one.
  • Killed Off for Real: He dies when Volcana, while trying to fight Superman so she tin murder him, inadvertently sets off some nearby gas tanks. Considering the strength of the explosion, the slim chances of Kurt getting away, and the fact he never shows upward once more, it's prophylactic to assume he died.

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